Thursday, February 14, 2013

Well, Today Sucked

Today did not start out well.
I woke up and ate my breakfast (VitaTop Corn Muffin and a Apple) and I went on the computer to add my meal to my My Fitness Pal diary.....well MFP deleted my account because I am 16 and you have to be 18 to join the site. Yes, I know I am not allowed to be on the website because of my age but I know I can benefit from it! I have been using it for 5 days and I already see myself becoming more strict with my meal choices also I love the support and advise that everyone has to offer. So I did something kind of bad....I made another account, and didn't write that I was 16 this time. Hopefully I don't get reported again, shhhh.

After breakfast I went out to do errands with my mom, we went to the grocery store....she got what she needed and I got what I needed. As I was paying for my food the man behind me tapped my shoulder. He said "Uh, Excuse me" I noticed that I was blocking the aisle with my cart, I moved my cart and apologized and as he walked away he said "Yeah, move your fat ass"
I was horrified, my cheeks got hot and red, I took my groceries and ran out of the store crying.
I realize that my skin has to be tougher but I have never been made fun of because of my weight before (at least not that I know of, rare....I know)
I wanted to go home and eat an entire package of Oreos....because that is what I used to do....Oreos comfort me (that's horrible I know)

But I didn't buy Oreos! I went home, and yes I cried but after that I went on a two mile Run/Walk and I realized that it really made me feel better because I know that if I stay on the same track I am on right now no one will be able to call me a fat ass again.

Hope your day was better then mine!
- Kady


  1. It really, really sucks that there are such cruel, truly jack-ass people in the world. I'm so sorry you were hurt today. THAT SAID, I am SO SO happy you went out and burned calories to work it off, rather than reach for the Oreos!

    What a great, NSV! (non-scale victory.) :)

    Happy Valentine's Day, pumpkin! :)

  2. I know I was very proud of myself! Happy Valentine's Day to you to Gwen :) Thank you for always checking out my posts, I really enjoy reading your comments :)

  3. I'm soo sorry that you had to deal with that jerkwad in the store! The thing can lose the weight ...he can never NOT be a jerk wad. Looks like YOU WIN! :-)

    And keep up the good work...glad you didn't succumb to temptation to eat through the pain and tears!

    ssssssshhhh my lips are sealed, I'm not saying a word about your age!

  4. Brightening up your day-- I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. Go check it out on my blog!

  5. I'm so sorry that guy said that to you. It can be really hard not to take a comment like that and have it replay over and over in your head.
    But here's the thing - someone who says something like that feels really bad about themselves. It's not about you, it's about them. They have to make themselves feel better by putting others down.
    This doesn't make it sting any less, but hopefully you can realize that you are a good person, you are beautiful, you are not what someone else says you are.

  6. Don't let anyone bully you like that! Society needs to work on being kind and empathetic. You are doing a great job. Focus on your health and a positive mind set. Keep moving forward. You will be successful.
